Thursday, September 20, 2012


I reread my old blogs today...was that me speaking? I felt I was reading new material for the first time. I recalled some good lessons in some verses I had 'put on the back burner' after reading. This is a good reminder of how much momentum we lose if we are away from the word of God for just a little while. Unfortunately, it has been a while, fortunately, I am here in this moment today. Yay!
As I told those of you who are blogging together, I have escaped from the suggested verses for the time being, and will, I am sure, return to them at a moment when God decides those particular words are what I need in my life...or when I run short of ideas hahah whichever comes first...but today I wanted to share another 'drop' of encouragement I was handed from God when I decided to return to reading his word and talking to him.

 I signed up for a Beth Moore study a few weeks ago...I had been out of these studies for various reasons for a long time..(I was going through some personal struggles and didn't feel like talking to other women or putting on that "smile" that says everything is great, I had been attending another local Christian congregation because my husband felt he needed a change and I was embarrassed and sure I would be labeled a "church hopper" (Pride issue by the way--and not anyone else's business if they wanted to make an issue of it.) So, I backed away from the women who I just knew would be smiling, laughing, and living their perfect I would not have to reveal that I was facing challenge--that I was the weak one in the group...the one whose life was imperfect...poor thing. Now, that sounds so horrible to say now. Hah! It sounds so Satin lead. ["Don't let others encourage you--they will only find you weak!" "The other ladies have perfect spiritual lives, you are gonna stick out like a sore thumb." (Just how does a sore thumb stick out??? hahah that's another blog!) "You might cry in front of them!!" --enter that stabbing music from the movie Physco!!] hmm...

Well, this being some two years later, undramatically, all they said when I signed up was "great" and when I came in and sat down I don't know what they thought! I think they were all kinda in the same boat looking around kinda nervous at being in a new group that takes a while to feel bonded and natural in. Go figure.

The study was of the book of James. I always think instantly of the "control your tongue" book, and God knows I can always use more of that!! So I had signed up. The first lesson was a review on who James was (the brother of Jesus) and interestingly enough he was not a believer until later in Jesus life...maybe even near the end. But even so, when he did become a believer--what a believer he became! God even used him to write his inspired word to the Jewish converts and for us today. Here is where the cool part comes in.

I had been been contemplating that God didn't promise us happiness always and I had, as I expressed in my last blog, been searching for happiness in conditional places and things. I had decided to look for Joy instead, because God said we would/could have joy even when we weren't happy. The entire second lesson was on James 1:1 a short greeting to the people he was focused on writing. Really? Could she possibly spend and hour talking about this little insignificant heading?? But, Beth Moore is chatty just like me and words are not usually a problem haha..she said this lesson would not be our favorite or most remembered at the end of the series and I had that thought of uh-oh..she is warning us...this can't be good...probably going to be a little boring. To the contrary, she did a word study on the word "greetings." The Greek word was chairein. The lesson concluded with her revealing that the word God instructed James to write to the twelve tribes scattered among the nations meant JOY TO YOU. Joy to you!! I was stunned and humbled and smiled inside with peaceful satisfaction.

 I love when God does those preplanned things that he had to be working on long in advance of the time he would present it to us...(like Jerry Harris' story of running out of money and food in college on a weekend and the postman delivers a letter at the last minute which had been mailed a few days before with money in it from someone who thought a poor college student might need a little financial encouragement.--that fed him that weekend.) God had penned that greeting in Greek hundreds of years ago, I had read it in English many many times with no apparent meaning other than Greetings...Hi! But this time it was a special message to me...Joy to me! He was offering Joy to me through the study of James...which I am super bursting with excitement to study now!! Can't wait to see what else he has for me personally to learn from this book! I have read over it  many times, studied it in group settings and verse studies through the years, but I know this time will be different and am looking forward to the words revealed anew.

So, if I may borrow a few words from God....
Pamela, to the women who are joining me in this blogging experience or to someone who just happens to be surfing the net and falls upon this blog...
Chairein! Greetings! Joy to you!!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Ending the Famine...

When I look at how much time has elapsed since I blogged here, I realize how swiftly life passes as well, and I contemplate the old adage, "only one life will soon be past, only what's done for Christ will last." I'm not that good at quoting. Ask my kids! I usually get some minor or MAJOR detail confused or blatantly wrong when I try to repeat a story, happening or quote something. Lol I don't get my blondness naturally, I have bottle highlights, but I live up to the cliches. :)

In honesty and to the point, when I started this sight, my goal was to start reading my Bible faithfully and get my spiritual life back on track with God. Though I never stopped knowing he loved me, I had taken Him for granted and like a teenage child, whose life suddenly becomes a whirlwind of schoolwork, job and social responsibilities (socializing and social networking), I began to slowly leave Him behind, real conversations became further and further apart, and I become lost in my world of me...sure, I have to work right? And new schedules are hard to adapt to. Supper time, and who's gonna cook if I don't? Clean the house if I don't? Get all those wedding plans together in time? (Can't use that one anymore! My daughter's wedding was beautiful and down to the last minute, the details were exhausting but rewarding as I watched her smile radiantly, finally relaxing and enjoying each special moment with a look of pure happiness on her face.) Well, what business can I replace that time with?? I don't know I'm sure I'll find something!!

My priorities had gotten askew as well, and should I have been surprised that when I took my eyes off the Lord who loves me unconditionally..I looked for love in conditional places?
     * I sought happiness in my activities (which were minimal due to empty nest syndrome--what DO you do with yourself when your life has been all about motherhood and your oldest goes to make herself a new home with her new husband and your youngest is a senior involved way over her head in every activity under the sun?) Well, at first you cry a little, look for some support in your husband (don't waste time on this one, they simply don't get the big deal of it all.  They have worked the same job for 18 years and don't understand the trauma of losing your meaningfulness just because your kids are finally independent..isn't that the goal? Independence? Becoming that good moral person and finally getting the job they've been training for since kindergarten?)
     * I sought happiness in my husband trying to make his schedule fit mine so I could fill my time with him and that would make me happy...complaining about schedules does not make him happy...apparently following him around the house trying to talk to him like I did my girls is not his intended purpose either. Things were stressed...I felt alone.
Every failed attempt at my happiness added the weight of a millstone to my life. I was trying to do everything right. I was trying. I.

Finally, I sought out some long ignored friendships--the kind that could last forever if one would stop and take the time of day to nurture them.--I tried honesty. What was there to lose now? I found that more times than not, people have gone through the same storms and droughts in their lives. While we are looking at them admiringly and jealously for their perfect lives, we are missing their signs for help as well. (We humans are very good at poker facing it..if we put on that smile and answer that question that everyone asks absentmindedly with no intention of paying attention to the answer of--HOW ARE YOU TODAY?--"good!" or "fine" life goes on and no one is the wiser for it.)
"So where is this going?" you ask. "Are you just gonna keep on rambling in your little sad world? Get on with it, or I am going to go read someone else's blog--or worse---get on FACEBOOK!" haha..ok..ok.

If I wanted the famine to end, I would have to get a source of refreshment. I would have to find something to revive what was dying or dead.  I was as close to the source of life as I could be yet so far away that I wouldn't reach for it. I needed to reconnect with God--my source of missing nutrients waiting to be rained down on my thirsty land.  If I wanted to feel loved and validated in this life, I couldn't go to myself or any person. I would have to go to God.

This is my new challenge and goal. Oh, I've been there many times before, starting over with God...but the nice thing is that He is always willing for me to do fact he seeks me out. He never stopped loving me and never left my side, but it was me who took His love and faithfulness, grace and mercifulness for granted. I neglected reading His words and I neglected talking to Him on a regular this world I would be so sad if my loved ones did that to me. So, I am fresh into this new relationship. I have seen a few refreshing drops already falling from Him to help me grow me. With each moment that I definitely see His caring for me, His humor in how he reacts when I approach Him, I feel more alive and more driven to run to him for more...This is so much easier said than done..I don't know why, but I'm lacing up my running shoes cause I'm back in the race.

Please put an end to my spiritual famine. Please rain down your presence on me and revive my desire to serve you. I need and desire to be in a genuine personal relationship with you again! I thank you in advance for the wonderful changes in my attitude and spirit! I thank you now and in advance in full view of anyone who reads this blog for your steadfast love. It is humbling to see how you will take me back time after time. Let your love be enough. Amen

P.S. let me share one raindrop:

Psalm 142 I cry aloud to the Lord. I lift up my voice for mercy. I pour out my complaint before him I tell him my troubles. When my spirit grows faint within me it is you who know my way. Listen to my cry for I am in desperate need. Set me free from my prison that I may praise your name.

I had just finished meditating on these verses when the next day at work (during a quiet period) I was reading the book LET GO AND LET GOD.  It was like God had planned that out for me...even though this book had been lying on the shelf for quiet a few years unread...imaging when I read the words penned by this author.."the way to get along in the world lies in the thought...that...once you accept Christ by simply letting Him be the dominating factor in your life, and take Him at His word, believing that He is now showing you the way to a life...more abundant, then the self imposed prison you have lived in for so long will disappear."
My prison WAS self imposed and I know for a fact that putting Jesus Christ first again is gonna break me from that prison! Yay! Let the Praising begin! :)

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Got my gumbo simmerin'. Thinking it will add a little spice to this otherwise dreary day. Spent some time reading Psalms 34 this morning. (Vs 8)Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him. Now if that isn't comforting what is? I am truely blessed. I have the means to prepare a big pot of Cajun gumbo and will probably side it with some rice and pototo salad, just the way my husband likes it. I'll sit in my little house that is paid for, warm and dry and maybe organize some clothes in my closet today. (Spring cleaning continues...) One daughter just left to shoot photos at school for the yearbook and the other sits somewhere in Bloomington studying for her final 3 weeks of college. I am blessed. I am healthy. I have employment. I have Christ.
Even though I am blessed, I often need to take refuge in him. There are just days when I feel like an outsider. There are times I wish I was in one of those groups of people gathered around chatting in up after church. I wander around and wonder if it is just that I need to make more effort. But nevertheless, I am a bit of a loner, so I can come home to the comfort of my home and enjoy the quiet. And these moments of quiet are somewhat rare so I will enjoy this one to blog without interruption.
The verse that stood out to me in this passage was 7. "The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him and he delivers them."  Now, I know that I just read in 1 Samuel about David defeating Goliath and several battles that he entered into all given over to him by the Lord. I also know this protection and provision was not just for David. Have you ever been somewhere that you just could feel was lacking the presence of God. Well, where noone wants HIM or obeys HIM he often leaves. (As is witnessed also throught the scriptures we have read lately. Sometimes when his spirit leaves, he replaces it with others (1 Sam. 16:14 Now the spirit of the Lord had departed from Saul, and an evil spirit from the Lord tormented him.) or others come and occupy that space.  There have been numerous stories of angels surrounding missionaries in the woods when threatened, or in a field in a warzone. We wouldn't dream of haveing to deal with spiritual battles of this nature, but be warned. Where God is not wanted or feared, he may just do as with Saul or any of the Israelites we have studied up to this point. He may just leave that territory and if he does it is open territory for evil forces. We need to suround ourselves with other believers. When we find ourselves in these spots, we need to turn to God then turn and run...
I'm thankful for God's protection.   "I will (Psalm 34:1,3)  extol the Lord at all times; his praise will always be on my lips...Glorify the Lord with me; let us exalt his name together!"

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Chapter 12 verse 20: "Do not be afraid,"  Samuel replied, "you have done all this evil; yet do not turn away from the LORD, but serve the LORD with all your heart..."
It is human nature to do things our way. It is also human nature to make an excuse for why we left the beaten path and ventured into our own path--sometimes we leave the path so subtly that we aren't even aware we are off--but when we do realize it, what is our response? Just because I am not a murderer, or thief, does not mean I am not a sinner. Pride, lack of confidence and jealousy often sneak into my life. Am I viewing these as sins?
Do I "turn after useless idols?" (oh, I would never have a carved statue or bow to another image, but isn't that what happens to me when I worry about how I am going to get something accomplished tomorrow or freak out because a reservation has been overbooked and I am left without a place for a party?) Life's little happenings often overrule my rationality and become idols in my life with out my acknowledging them at the time as sin. Deby shared with me FOCUS, FAITH, TRUST the other day when I let the cares of the world overcome me. I seem to constantly fight with this, but is this running after "useless idols?"  These things can do me no good, nor can they rescue me, because they are useless. It's not that they are in themselves wrong, there are just so many things in our modern lives that pull us away from believing He is faithful, focusing on what is truly a worry, and trusting that what God wants to be accomplished through us will be--only if we continue to reach toward him, are open to his calling and do not turn away from him wandering aimlessly on our own.
In chapter 10, two (jealous) men stir dissension by muttering about Saul. ("How can this fellow save us?") They refuse to bring him gifts (I'm sure that was very insulting in that situation) but Saul kept silent. Do I keep silent when I feel I have been insulted or wronged? Even if I speak no words, do I harbor resentment in my heart?
 The people were reminded by Samuel of their repetitive sin and again begged Samuel to bail them out so to speak, to " pray to the Lord your God (why not our God?) because they had added yet more sin on top of their past sins. He humbled himself and prayed for them (even though he must have been so fed up with them!) "Far be it from me that I should sin against the LORD by failing to pray for you." (Am I  praying for those who have wronged God? or me?) "And I will teach you the way that is good and right." (On top of praying am I teaching others the way that is good and right? At least my my example?)
I  don't want to persist in doing evil. I desire to serve him faithfully with all my heart. This is the journey I am on, thought I know I have and will take wrong turns. I pray I will always consider what great things he has done for me. He has given us multiple chances...because "the LORD was pleased to make you his own." May we live by the words he gave through Samuel..."You have done all this evil; yet do not turn away from the LORD, but serve the LORD with all your heart. <3

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

It's Tuesday, my day off (of my paid job) and as much as I WANT to get my day started reclaiming my house from the week of neglect... I know full well that if I neglect my Bible reading it will tumble to the end of the list, possible under my falling asleep on the couch at 8:30 watching television, and it won't get here I go. (For once obeying :)
I am doing things a little different today--reading and writing as I go. I'm hit with a sense of God's humor as Dagon (a false god) is fallen on it's "face" before the ark of the Lord in the morning.  And when his followers put him back in his place (I am seeing them with shocked looks on their faces rushing to set him up!) the next day his head and arms are dismembered and only his body is there--fallen before the ark! Then there is a massive game of Hot Potato as the citizens try to get rid of the ark by bouncing it from city to city. After crafting golden tumors (ewww) and rats to give as a peace offering, they placed the ark on a wagon hitched with cows and watch it return to God's people. (of whom several died just for looking on the ark even though they didn't ask for it to land in their field.)
The judgement of the Lord is fair, yet sometimes although we can understand why the obvious "sinners" are struck down, we can't fathom why the people who seem to be serving God suffer as well (like Eli...I mean he was working in the temple for most his life and even he died {falling back on his chair and breaking his neck} because of the consequences of sin.
Today's reading was interesting. I was most enlightened by God's imagination. But most sobered with the fact that we simply need to obey Him. God is noone to play games with.  HE is the ultimate rule maker, HE is the ultimate Judge and HE will be the ultimate winner.We have no business messing with his game plan.~~Ephesians 3:20 Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, 21 to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

I missed several days of blogging recently, but as I continued to read the book of Joshua, I did feel some important words stepped out of the pages. One verse that hit me like my made from scratch pancakes on an empty stomach was Joshua 22:5. I used to make pancakes from scratch for Michael when we first got married. Although this seemed like a wonderful thing for a newlywed wife to do for her husband, in this case, it wasn't. My recipe apparently lacked the balance of the ingredients, and although they looked edible, and going down they tasted fine, I would say good, they sat like a rock and we felt the heaviness of them in our stomachs. Ha! Ha! Why do I tell you that? Well, the following verse although very appetizing, sounds so easy and sounds so much like something we would WANT to do..even Strive to do...wouldn't we just eat up every opportunity to "keep the commandment and the law that Moses the servant of the Lord gave you; to love the Lord your God, (oh, that is easy, right!) to walk in all his ways, (mmm, did he say ALL?) to obey his commands, (I got this! There are only 10, right? and I'm no murderer and Of course I'm not a thief!--my momma taught  me better than that!) to hold fast to him and to serve him with all of your...(ouch, here it comes...) heart and ( he gonna use that word again?) ALL your soul. (lump in my stomach--like the pancakes...gulp.)
Why when I have been blessed to have been raised in a Christian home from a child do I find myself sighing at the final words of that verse? Why do I feel like I serve him but without ALL of my heart and ALL of my soul? I could list a number of excuses. mmmm, I'm so busy! It's just our culture, we are sidetracked in so many directions! Don't make me go on.  I could list the truths...I'm lazy, I put other things first, I am afraid to go wholeheartedly forward because I can't do this alone and sometimes the people around me are not yet on the same page as I am (or are they and I am not allowing them to shine because of my attitude?)...mmm excuses. Lame.
Well, I could stop right there because the words are clear. I could condemn myself and remain unchanged, or I can choose to move forward each day reaching to put more of my heart into my relationship with God and more of my soul into serving him. That is the beauty of God. He always forgives, always takes me back, always gives me another chance to follow. So,
Did I mention that the verse starts out with .." BUT BE VERY CAREFUL TO..." I have since found a recipe for pancakes that delights from box (that's right, box!) to body. They are truly light and fluffy, and my family feels satisfied, but not sick, after eating them. Each day I am blessed to wake in this world I am given the opportunity to start anew and no matter how many mistakes or neglects I have from the past...I can choose (and I do) to go to the perfect recipe--THE BOOK) and to move forward. Each triumph is satisfying.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Today's date shouts the truth--time flies. We are dancing into Spring, however, I can barely remember Winter. I am forging in to the week but I can barely remember yesterday. My days are filled with the aimless activities of life and my mind overflows in constant motion like a waterfall spilling over a mountaintop into the misty pool below. And yet...amidst all the things we deem necessary to carry on, the best days we have are all but (vs.10) "trouble and sorrow...for they quickly pass, and we fly away."( vs.4,9)  "For a thousand years in your sight are like a day that has just gone by..all our days pass away under your wrath; we finish our years with a moan."
I often look around and know how blessed I am to be healthy, to have my family, to live in a free country. But, do I truly appreciate it? Most often my days are filled with the humdrum monotony of daily existence and I rarely take the time to glance around me and experience the wonders God has set before me or to look for that moment he may place in my hand to make a difference in someone's life. I don't think this is what we exist for--to exist. That is no existence at all.
What can I do to resolve this? Focus on my attitude. My mind says, feel sorry for yourself if noone paid special attention to you today, dwell on the little problems and worries that plague you, you are alone, other people's lives are perfect (Wow! Who came up with that one? The father of lies!) But what if I fought my attitude? What if I prayed for the following, even as Moses prayed this thousands of years ago... (vs 12) "Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom...(vs 14) satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days. (vs 17) ...establish the work of our hands for us..
If we let the Lord establish the works of our hands, he can (vs 15) make us glad for as many years as we have seen trouble. He can turn what seems to us as an unrewarding day or moment into moments we can celebrate. I want to wake up singing joy and be glad in this day and the next and the next.
(17)May the favor of the Lord our God rest upon (me) (you) us.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Deuteronomy 29:1-31:29 ~~ Human Nature or Self Gratitude?
Having not joined this blog group from the beginning of the Bible, I feel I have missed out a bit. We are reading at a pretty furious pace for our busy lifestyles...I mean three chapters a day, right? Well, for me that means if I miss one day because I think my messy house is top priority or because I have to go to work early that day, I run the risk of falling multiple chapters behind. Should this cause me to quit in defeat? Well, according to what I read today, human nature has a tendency to lose interest and slip back into their old ways.
The Lord reiterates several times in the earlier chapters of Deuteronomy (I mean isn't it wasting valuable space in the Bible? It is pretty thick as it is! hah) "be careful that you do not forget the Lord..." (6:12), "Be sure to keep the commands of the Lord..." (6:17), "Be careful to follow every command I am giving you today..." (8:1), Be careful that you do not forget the Lord your God, failing to observe his commands..." (8:11) and clearly he repeats himself that even though he tells the people over and over...obey, listen, make sure there is no man, woman, clan or tribe whose heart turns away to worship other gods, they are bound to say "I will be safe, even though I persist in going my own way."
Is that human nature of just self gratitude? Or is that one in the same? My favorite verses of today's chapters may be from chapter 30. " ...what I am commanding you today is not too difficult for you or beyond your reach...No, the word is very near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart so you may obey it." "I have set before you life and choose life, so that you and your children may love the Lord your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him. For the Lord is your life..."
Well, life goes on for the Israelites, and they hear what the Lord has said and the Lord knows that they will fail him, even before he's done talking. How true is that. But he gives them a chance, there is always a chance, to come back. 
What I would like to remind myself today is that:
 * the Lord is my life (not the dishes, laundry or stacks of paperwork that need going through...not the win your wedding contest or facebook :)
  *this is not too hard for me--three chapters?!  ( God's word is right here--in several forms and dusty translations, it is me that needs to make the choice to put him first.)
  *When I get lazy or distracted and fall away from him, but I return to him with all my heart and soul, he shows compassion and gathers me back even from the most distant land under the heavens.
So, no need for me to give up! No need for me to quit because I fall behind a few chapters...keep going!..then the Lord will again delight in me! ...and will make me most prosperous in all the work of my hands. Sounds like a good start to the day? Right? 

Thursday, March 15, 2012

An introduction from Pamela...

Thank you for visiting ~Reflections/snoitcelfeR~. My purpose is to blog my way through the scripture. Though our views may be different, our goal should be the same...Honor God, Listen to his Word, and Grow closer to Him. Thank you to my friend and sister in Christ, Deby, for inviting and encouraging me to grow closer to God in this unique way. This invitation is extended to all and any of you who wish to join us for this purpose and along the way may I bring a smile to our Creator as I attempt to share my thoughts, observations or personal reflections on the words He has entrusted us with.